I am a bit more traditional...white picket fence, tree swing, etc. but some of these are far out!
As a Realtor and Marketing Professional with over 18 years of sales experience, to say I should write a book is an understatement. To say that I love my job as a Realtor is also an understatement. Tune in every week to see why I love what I do and get some helpful information. You are sure to find a gem everytime you surf.
I am a bit more traditional...white picket fence, tree swing, etc. but some of these are far out!
This has not been my experience lately in working with many buyers. We will have to see what 2012 holds. Being an election year it is bound to get interesting...what are your thoughts?
Proposal to make sure the housing disaster with record defaults and foreclosures doesn't happne again is now on the table . Each state will review and see what agreement can be reached. Keep your fingers crossed.
Here's how to lose those Bad Habits... What bad habits are you trying to kick this year?
Apple, Cisco,Google, all added jobs in December....this could be the start of a very positive trend!
Growing up, I can safely say my relationship with money was not great. When I began my professional career and now as a business owner, I have learned to not be afraid of money but to get real and actually figure out a way to make it work for me. What money tips do you have that work for you...comments always welcome!
The question that is on everyone's mind, is strategic default the answer for me?
This is good news to investors and a sign to buyers that the time is approaching when mortgages will be lower than rents...
I actually have set a goal for first quarter to take a mini trip. What plans do you have?
This is e land of free enterprise. For banks to actually go along with this it would have to be mandated by the government and somehow I think even distressed homeowners will not cross that line and give up liberties... Even when those liberties may cost them their home.... Slippery slope here!
Mansion in Florida boasts a 14.25 million price tag and that is not a record setter...OMG!
All I can tell you is from my experience with my buyers and sellers and while there are still many challenges (e.g. lending guidelines, short values on most homes), last year was better than the year before. I am planning on the same trend in my California market so it is good to hear that many markets nationally are trending similarly.
Even in the leanest of times, it is still a goal to own our very own piece of earth...to be able to paint the walls any color we want, it's a natural instinct that is part of the fabric of this coutry.
Knowing how valuable you are is not arrogant, it is necessary to lead a fulfilled life.
I figure if we add one new green habit, them we are doing better than we did in the past....go ahead, see what you can do...
Do you have a twinkie memory...? Comment with your memories of your favorite Hostess treat...
Eat more often (typically every 90 minutes) smaller portions and don't forget protein...Going back to the gym tonight after a 7 week layoff due to foot surgery and my eating habits were key while I was endorphin starved...
If you have taken any pictures of funny signs feel free to comment and post them...
While more jobs were added, that is always good news, did you notice any positive effects? I think it is always a step in the right direction but can we have some more please? More jobs...like a lot more!!!!
OK, I do think they should broaden terms of refinance. There is a provision that passed for 125% refinances but lenders have not yet figured out to implement. One idea that I think will absolutely kill the market and banks is to have banks become property managers and rent out the foreclosed homes. Banks are only in the business of lending money to make money, that is their business plan period. If they take on a different segment of the housing business, that is like McDonalds now offering spaghetti on their menu (they actually tried it in some markets and needless to say it bombed).
This is a Washington issue for us to keep watching as some of these bad ideas could have seriously negative consequences. What are you concerned about?
Used to be that you had to wait 90 days to buy when a home was purchased and then immediately offered for sale again, however FHA is going to waive that time period which will make many properties a good fit for first time buyers. Typically flippers purchase homes, clean them up and still offer to sell them at a great value...
December was a strong month for bay area real estate and for many cities across the nation, according to the National Association of Realtors...interesting article about hopeful trend.
In a competitive market, buyers may compete against other buyers willing to give up their inspection rights...it is an extremely vulnerable position if you purchase without those rights. You are entering into one of the largest investments of your life without full knowledge. As a professional, I have NEVER written an offer waiving those rights for my client., because it puts their good faith deposit at risk almost immediately!
Posted from my ipad2... Competitors say you can't surf as easily on Apple products but that doesn't seem to be stopping us...like if you have an Apple product
2012...I know you and I will have great fun, much success, happiness, health and endless possibilities!!!!