Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Key Day!

OK, Welcome to my Blog. I am so excited, this has been on my to do list for quite awhile and now I am live!!!! I am currently working in Santa Clara County as a realtor...that's right, I am working, which means selling homes and helping buyers buy homes! The sky is not falling on our housing market though I admit it has been quite a ride for the last 12 months or so. The good news about my business and our market in general is that it is still the American Dream to own a home and everyone has a chance at that dream. Lenders still have lots of money to lend, rates are good and buyers are definitely out there shopping and looking forward to the day when they get their house keys. Key day is my favorite day.

When my Husband and I first started talking about buying our first home, he didn't believe it was possible. True, we did meet a couple of agents who shared his doubt, but at that time I promised myself that I would not give up on the dream for us and as a Realtor I would never give up on that dream for my clients. This philosophy has served me and my clients well. We still live in the land where you might have to work very hard, but if you do, eventually (and I am not talking about immediate gratification, let's keep it real) you will succeed and the dream will become reality. Reality sometimes only loosely resembles the dream but key day is still key day and you can't beat it in my book!

1 comment:

  1. Great blog, sis! Keep it rolling and most importantly, keep keeping it REAL!
